Monday, November 7, 2016

Weekly Discussion for 11/8

Please post your weekly link to a source that you've found regarding the class theme of the "American Dream" as a part of American culture OR one of the research topics you are exploring.

As always, guidelines are the following:

For participation, we will post a link by every Monday to a source (article, movie, blog, etc) relating toeither the class theme of the formation of the American Dream or your own individual research topic. Post a short summary of how the source relates to the aforementioned topic (1-2 sentences).

To receive full credit for each response, please comment on at least two of your classmates’ posts.



    As an American it is hard to relate to the never ending accounts of terrorist activity ensuing in the Middle East but this article helps put in perspective the increasing presence of the Islamic State in Iraq. It depicts the northern region of Iraq displaying IS control vs. Iraqi army control and it's astonishing to see it is nearly split half and half. I hope to uncover some of the factors conducive to the spread of terrorist groups like IS in my research paper.

    1. This article seems interesting. I'm not sure if you have heard that other countries view United States as a terrorist.

    2. This is a very sensitive topic and its impressing you chose it for the research paper. It is very relevant to the worries of the US population.

    3. Your topic is a controversial one. I will recommend you to research some of the diverse ideals and culture in the Middle East to see how important a role they play in the spread of terrorist groups. Honestly, I believe that radical and extreme ideals play a large part of the spread of any terrorism conducted by any ethnic group not just Middle Eastern individuals.


    This is a link to a website about GMOs. This specific section of the website details the laws in the US concerning GMOs. If you look at the section, it is very scarce. There are very few laws managing the labeling of GMO's in what consumers buy. The FDA is concerned about if the product if safe to eat, not really identifying what is in the product.

    1. What does GMO stand for? I agree the last sentence but what if people are allergic to something wouldn't knowing what's in it help?

    2. @Linda GMO stands for genetically modified organism. And yes, allergies can be caused by the mixing of genes to create GM foods. It is most definitely a problem faced by not labelling when a product has been made with GMOs.

    3. Since the FDA is not too concerned about identifying what is in the product,they should at least make it mandatory for labeling GM products. Which gives the consumer a better understanding of what they are putting to their bodies.


    This article is about the mistreatment of sexual assault and rape cases for women that occur in colleges. The statistic that "about one in 10 undergraduate women had been raped at college," is so horrifying and proves that there needs to be a change in our legal system, especially since most women won't report it for fear that someone won't believe them and/or they'll jeopardize their life by coming forward. It also talks about how defining consent can be tricky, which I understand when talking in a court and having decide if someone is guilty or not. It's not that hard to understand between two individuals, since "no" means "no," and you should definitely stop whatever you're doing.

    1. Society also has a bias if the woman was wearing certain clothes, drinking, or even was known as being "promiscuous." These are the injustices that can lead to women not wanting to come forward after a rape or sexual assault for fear of not being believed or having people tell them it is their own fault.

    2. I also agree that there has to be change in the legal system. In order to let women who have been raped feel safe to come forward about it.

    3. I think it is really telling that before we were allowed to enroll for classes we had to complete a sexual misconduct program, which I'm thankful for, but how many rapists are deterred by a virtual program?

    4. In terms of consent, along with "no means no", I also believe that a clear yes wasn't said then that isn't a cue to continue. This is a common problem when females are drunk and they do not say no.

    This article suggests three other methods to stop binge eating. The methods are drug, antidepressant and cognitive behavioral therapy. This article can be used to determine the method to help binge eaters in my research paper.

    1. In my opinion drug treatment for binge eating should always be a persons last resort when they are dealing with a weight issue. The negatives of relying on these types of treatment could outweigh the positives.

    2. I personally don't agree with the method of the drugs. But i do agree with the cognitive behavioral therapy. I strongly believe that maybe with therapy it may help with the problem.

    3. Putting drugs into you're body in order to stop binge eating is pretty extreme. The best method listed was the cognitive behavioral method, although the study shows that it was the least effective, I don't think one should pump their self full of drugs in order to get fast results.

    4. I agree with Nicholas. Using drugs should be the last resort if not avoided completely. behavioral therapy is the most logical way to go.


    This article relates to my research topic. It tells you what method researchers would use to test out cosmetic products. For example, the Skin tests on rabbits requires a live rabbit and putting chemicals onto their bare skin while restraining them.

    1. I think this is definitely animal cruelty and hope that one day we'll have technology that can replace animals in testing out products!

    2. Animal testing is not only abusive but also speaks towards the hazardous nature of the ingredients in cosmetic products, just because it doesn't induce physical irritation doesn't mean it is safe to use.

    3. I don't know why they would use animals as an experiment. That's animal abuse. Insane. Even if they use a rabbit, it won't give the definite results of how the cosmetic products will work on human skin..


    I am doing my research paper about the effect of television on children's aggressiveness. This article is a study of how the effect of w
    Letting a child watch too much television may affect them when it comes to how social they are in their teen years.

    1. This article is really interesting! It's interesting to see the gradual affect violent movies, tv shows, and video games potentially have on younger kids.

    2. I agree with Nicole this article is very interesting. I remember reading this in psychology class. And I think this a good research topic.

    3. Interesting, but when I think about in life, tv shows are a common topic kids, teens, and adults like to talk about.

    4. This topic has come up a lot over the years in school and it seems to be a topic always in discussion. It's a really interesting topic that can go many ways.

    5. What made you choose this topic?

    6. I think your research topic is really interesting and helpful.


    This article supports the fact that there are 3 things you have to do to not be permanently poor. First is to graduate high school, second is to get a job, and lastly is to not get pregnant before wedlock. Following their research only 2 percent of American adults that followed these rules were impoverished.

    1. It is not surprising that only 2% of impoverished American adults have the first two characteristics but the third is something I would not expect to be part of that list. However, I do understand why it is.

    2. I don't think the first one is true. I feel like you don't have to graduate high school to guarantee that you wont be poor. However, it is indeed recommended to graduate high school and college because it gives you a lot of benefits.

    3. I feel that the results of financial situation could be depended on how the person is as well.

  8. Amercian Dream:

    In this photo (not taken by me) of a pharmacy in SoHo displays sexism towards men. Sexism is not only directed toward woman like most people like to think. Sexism like this interferes with a person’s right to pursue the American Dream.

    1. Interesting article and a good point how sexism like every ism goes both/multiple ways.


    This article explains what he personally think an American Dream should be. He says " If you’re wakeful you can. And when you’re wakeful that you are dreaming a dream you understand that you’re also at choice to wake up from it. Your happiness does not depend on the dream. That’s the message of the American Dream—waking up from it and being the blissful consciousness that you are and all is." I never really thought of the American Dream like this. In my opinion he made some valid points.

    1. I agree I never thought of the American Dream like that. But he is true you do choose whether or not you are going to wake up from a dream and still end up being aware about. I feel like he is saying that we have the choice to dream and then wake up and make it part of our reality if we want it to be.


    This article talks how the American dream still lives in our current time 2016 but has change drastically over the years. It talks about student debt that people in the pass would never even thought of having. It gives examples of comparing the old American dream and the new. In conclusion, the standard of living has been raised and people are struggling to get by. To put it simply, the standard of hte American dream has been lowered that it depends on people whether to believe if that counts as a dream or not.

    1. The price to enjoy a standard life is high today, There are many factors that contribute to this. One of many can be gentrification. A lot of neighborhoods are being gentrified for the purpose of attracting more people who can afford high rent to move in.

    This article discusses how schools are bias against girls. Girls are given all these restrictions on how to dress for school because some of the things they might want to wear is "too distracting" for other students.
    example: “I got dress coded at my school for wearing shorts. After I left the principal’s office with a detention I walked past another student wearing a shirt depicting two stick figures: the male holding down the females head in his crotch and saying ‘good girls swallow’. Teachers walked right past him and didn’t say a thing.”

    1. Your example of that student wearing that shirt was just disturbing. Like, if I was one of the faculty members, I would have been uncomfortable with him wearing that shirt in my presence. I feel like he should have been taken the principal's office because that was just degrading to women/girls.

    2. Instead of telling girls what to wear to should teach boys that females are not things for them to be pleased with. Females are not there for boys to look at therefore a female's clothing should be no one's business.


    This is one of the sources I'm using in my research paper. It discusses the causes of obesity. Theres shown to be many genetic factors as well as environmental.


    This Huffington post article discusses how the American dream has changed over the years from the beginning the America to today. Consequently, the article offers a final food for thought that the our lives are always "reinvented" and changed over the years. n addition, the American dream has always gone to phases of change as long as innovation is present.

    This article was written in response to Trump's question, "What Do We Have To Lose?" Harry Belafonte explains that Trump's main goal is to lead the American people blindly into restoring America and just try to undo what many people worked so hard for. In other words, America has everything to lose if Trump becomes President.


    Domestic violence is crucial. In this article, it tells us about the health effects it has on women after dealing with domestic violence. So many difficulties are faced by not just the women but also children. Children are the most innocent in this situation and they have to experience such cases which will permanently damage them for life.

    1. Yes, I totally agree that domestic violence also affects the innocent children.

  16. "The American Dream is unique. No other country has been founded on a vision of self-determination" is my favorite line in the article. This talks about the American Dream but through examples of relate able examples.

    In this article, Ellin writes mostly about coercive control of women by their male partners and how it is mentally damaging to women. Coercive control is a form of abuse, even though many may not think it would be. She makes strong points that even though a woman is not being physically or verbally violently abused; manipulation, control, and obsessive behaviors can all damage a female’s view of herself and her life. Through examples of other females’ experiences with obsessive controlling men, Ellin demonstrates that females in relationships like these wish for a way out, but are either scared or wrongly convinced that their lives are fine.


    This is a case of cyberbullying among teenagers. The terrible tragedy happened due to cyberbullying. We should really do something for it.

    1. I dont think today's day and age really go into the idea that cyberbullying still happens.

    This is about the election that took place on November 8th. Trump won the presidency in the morning of Wednesday by electoral votes, but lost in popular votes. This point became very controversial as Hillary lost the presidency due to this method of election. This connects to the American Dream because this election involves the change towards the American Dream people once had about America such as freedom of religion.

    1. I totally think the election was rigged in a way

    This article talks about the different backgrounds and different cultures and how they interact with one another.


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