Monday, October 31, 2016

Weekly Discussion for 10/31

Please post your weekly link to a source that you've found regarding the class theme of the "American Dream" as a part of American culture OR one of the research topics you are exploring.

As always, guidelines are the following:

For participation, we will post a link by every Monday to a source (article, movie, blog, etc) relating toeither the class theme of the formation of the American Dream or your own individual research topic. Post a short summary of how the source relates to the aforementioned topic (1-2 sentences).

To receive full credit for each response, please comment on at least two of your classmates’ posts.


    This link talks about whether if he American dream is still alive. His stance is that it is alive because the fact many companies were able to become known is proof that the opportunities promised by the American dream spoke of is there. He ends it with the dream is alive for people who believe in it.

    1. I think this is a perfect example of news stations greatly influencing their content. The author claims that the American Dream has no definition but then does on to say that those who believe it is dead are wrong. The article seems very one sided and contradictory, speaking volumes to their credibility.

    2. The American dream has so many different definitions and perspectives. I have concluded that there is no exact definition we can use to discuss it. The american dream is subjective because of everyone's unique experiences and wants.

    3. I also agree that it does contradict itself. But it is true that there's no set definition of the american dream. Its whatever you want it to be

    4. The American Dream being coined by Adams in "The Epic of America" has a definite basis of merits determining success.

      @Fayrouz At no point does the author claim that the American Dream has no definition. He is saying that there is not a universally agreed upon definition. Before basing half your claims on a point you should take heed to read it more thoroughly.

    5. Like I've said previously on other blog posts related to the topic of the American dream, the American dream is different in perception for everyone. However, one thing that stays the same is that America remains as the only place that people believe where all dreams and goals are tangible to achieve. Hence, the American dream is that.

    6. @Richard The beginning of the second paragraph: "While there is no single definition of the term..."...

    7. Samantha said what I wanted to say. ^^ But there really isn't a real definition of the American Dream.

    8. I agree the American Dream is different to everyone and everyone's vision of bettering their life is different. Some may have a reason while others don't, all they are trying to do is make a living for themselves.

    9. I also agree that the American dream is different for everyone. But I also agree with Michael that the one thing they all have in common is that they believe that their dreams and goals can be accomplished.

    10. @Fayrouz Yeah think about that for a second. Poor wording but that phrasing points exactly to what I said.


    This is the homepage for the Non-GMO project website. I have often seen this label on some of the snacks I buy and have never really thought much about it. Also, at my job we sell products that are all organic and all natural. Most of the foods have this label on it. While researching my topic I have discovered how lenient labelling foods that have GMOs in it. While some manufacturers claim to be GMO free, it may still have a small percentage included. Just not enough to be significant. This, to me, seems wrong and deceitful. Foods should be labelled truthfully so we know what we are consuming.

    1. GMO products being labeled otherwise entirely defeats the purpose of labeling them in the first place and I think this is a major reason people don't bother eating "organic," its not guaranteed to be better for us but it is guaranteed to be nearly double in cost.

    2. This issue is very unsettling for many and I agree that it is wrong.

    3. I feel like this issue is disregarded and given little to no attention at all. People should start learning what they're intaking. I agree with you that foods should be labeled truthfully

    4. I agree that people give little to no attention to it. But GMOs are needed to mass produce enough food to feed populations of people. However, this cover up is wrong.


    This article from BBC news discussed a different perspective of the upcoming 2016 election. Many Americans abroad claim that the distance (and the candidates) make it hard to value the election for its true importance. In 2012 only 5% of eligible voters abroad actually voted, its concerning to think that so many votes are lost due to problems with registering or absentee ballots. During such a close election it is exactly those votes which could potentially swing the results.

    1. Personally, I believe voting is very important! And anyone that is eligible to vote should register and participate in the voting process. With this election in mind, it is very important that people use the right to vote and make a difference.

    2. Is this your research topic? This election is a very difficult decision because both candidates are not worthy of the position.

    3. I feel that many people just simply don't care. As the younger generations become able to vote, less and less of them care for it anymore. I don't know a single one of my friends that are eligible to vote, even registered to vote. My personal opinion, I feel as though this election is a joke. Theres so much negativity surrounding these two candidates.

    4. I also agree with Stephanie that many don't really care for voting because they feel that it doesn't apply to them. It is true that if the people that don't vote could potentially change the results.


    In this article the author tIps about his experience and whether he still believe its still alive.

    1. I really liked this quote from the article, "There are no guarantees in America, only better chances." I think it goes well with supporting the American Dream.

    2. America offers many hope to make it "big". The country does not offer chances because opportunities are so unevenly distributed nowadays. Rather than acknowledging that this is the current reality, we are blinded by hope. However, no one said hope cannot overcome the harsh reality. Therefore, "Imma" stay hopeful that I can make it "big" someday.

    3. I enjoyed reading Bob Miglani's experience. His writing was heart touching.


    This article examines certain cases and activities of the Bias Response Team(BRT) at the University of Oregon. It focuses on the absurd levels that they have risen to in policing and micro-managing students. This somewhat ties into my essay concerning sensitivities and how right isn't necessarily progressive.

    1. Looking forward to your essay! The topic seems interesting.

    2. I liked how this article had a visual, the graph. Understanding the information was simplified in this way so that was a plus!

    3. "since the administrators appear to have the authority to punish the student"
      A college, especially in the United States, should not punish students for expressing their right to free speech.

    4. I can already tell that your essay is coming along well! And the subject that you're writing on seems interesting. I don't think I have ever read any paper on this topic. Can't wait!


    This article states that there is low unemployment rate because many are still paying off their loans or debts, which is an obstacle to many Americans.

    1. I agree that loans and debts are definitely a factor for the unemployment rate. Is this your research topic?

    2. If college was more affordable for most people there would be no student debt, which is a huge business.


    This is a research paper on the race diversity in the United States to see if they should be considered the leader of cultural diversity. However this paper suggests that the United States is unfit to be the role model for cultural diversity because of the discrimination that takes place here.

    1. I agree that there is some discrimination here such that some schools have quotas for certain races for university and not depending on their skills.

    2. I agree America is unfit to be a role model for cultural diversity because everyone is not treated the same. Also, it is sad to say that people in America do not even know each other's story because they are always trying to make it seem like one group is better than the other. If they would take time to expose their wounds to each other; they will realize that they have something in common.


    This article uses children's lemonade stands to portray a much bigger problem Americans face. I still stand by the definition of the American Dream that the article uses, "The American Dream is simple: it’s the unwavering belief that anybody — you, me, your friends, your neighbors, grandma Verna — can become exceedingly successful, and all it takes is the right amount of work, ingenuity, and determination," even though this article argues the claim.


    Although my topic revolves around the concept of procrastination which is different from laziness, both share common characteristics. This video explains how our brain plays a huge role in our motivation to work. The dopamine system, also know as the reward system, influences our desire and drive to commit in an activity for a reward that comes from the commitment.

    1. Even if many people don't consciously realize it, I agree that people are more inclined to finish and devote time to things that will give them a reward.


    This article discussed how obesity's health related issues correlates with where the person lives. A study done showed that kids that weren't able to have access to safe areas outdoors to play or lived in disadvantaged neighborhoods were more likely to be found to have health issues. I never thought of habitat as an issue related to health problems but this was an eye opener.

    1. it was interesting how they took that element of location and the state of the neighborhood in consideration, i liked that approach


    In this Youtube video, comedian Ryan Higa talks about how both candidates in this year's election. Higa believes that Americans are starting to become negative towards each other through the influences from this election. He believes that the American Dream is not divide, but instead, come together. He goes on to convince viewers to "imagine if the candidates got along and stop spreading hate to each other." Thus, Ryan Higa made a Trump and Hillary duet as a comedy.

    1. I was going to write about this video! I love Ryan Higa. He is humorous but he gets his point across.

    2. I agree gets his point across both serious and in a comical tone.

    3. I agree with Asmaul he gets his audience to pay attention to what really is important but makes it funny to attract them and not get them bored.

  12. My research topic is about American Privacy and the NSA.
    In this 8-point list by the American Civil Liberty Union, they give the reasons why the NSA’s surveillance program threatens the constitutional right to the privacy of Americans. Some of these reasons can even be considered illegal. The ACLU is a nonprofit that’s intention is to defend the constitutional rights of American people. The ACLU is a highly credible source since they, for the past 95 years, in their own words “the ACLU has been at the center of one critical, history-making court case after another, participating in more Supreme Court cases than any other private organization.”

    This article is about how most cancers are attributed to smoking cigarettes and how many people die from it. The problem is that people who smoke have a hard time in quitting because the regions, in which the tobacco was grown. has influenced the people in the South. So if the numbers of smokers would decrease then there will be a chance to improve in the number of deaths.

    1. I feel like people die away from cigarettes is because they are addicted. There's no way stopping it. However, if some people really are willing to stop, it is great because they can save their own life from any danger.

    2. In order to get people to quit smoking; they most likely have to become addicted to something else.

    3. I think it is true that people have a hard time to quit smoking. But it is possible to minimize the influence of tobacco.


    "Domestic violence is an ongoing experience of physical, psychologic, and/or sexual abuse in the home that is used to establish power and control over another person." My topic is based on domestic violence and its effects on children. This article is a helpful resource for me to guide me in my writing. What's the best about this is that this source has a chart where you can visualize it more.

    1. The chart was very helpful in understanding the potential effects of domestic violence for each age group. It also gave nice steps to help discourage domestic violence for people who may be going through it and to help prevent it all together.

    2. i agree that the charts provided extra information and clearer visualization of the topic and provided more details than most articles

  15. file:///C:/Users/tina/Downloads/eng%20120/social%20media%20forums.pdf

    This article is a study of how people on social media express themselves in the comment section of newspaper article reporting cases of rape and sexual assault. It discusses the differences between commentators who support the victim, support the perpetrator, victim blame and one who comment trolling statements about the law and society.


    This article discusses the negatives of gender neutral bathrooms and why they should not be allowed. I disagree with this but it was interesting reading about the opposing side and its perspective.

    1. It never occurred to me how big of a deal gender neutral bathrooms could cause such a riot.

    2. "the emotional/psychological discomfort a transgender individual feels as a result of separate bathrooms can be terrible, but it is more than likely true that many “cisgender” students will feel discomfort from being forced to use the restroom with the opposite sex." I think this viewpoint is interesting.

    This article talks about today's average low-income Americans who strive to gain a better future but are unable to get there, and Hilary Clinton who guarantees there is more beyond the poverty that an average American faces.


    This article is based on my research topic, Immigration. There are quite a few interesting facts about it that I personally didn't know about immigrants. It may not be very informative but I believe it has some very interesting facts.

    This article shows the study done on battered women to find which variables caused higher rates of low self-esteem. As the study concludes, there are two strong variables, but are not limited to, that contribute to low self-esteem in battered women, which are threats of abuse and actual physical abuse. It shows that the threats of verbal abuse have a stronger correlation to low self-esteem which means that women become more damaged from words and further can’t differentiate right from wrong because of verbal abuse. It becomes harder to break away from the cycle of abuse when being exposed to more psychological violence. Threats make it harder to leave a relationship because fear of what can happen increases.

    This website provides information about cyberbullying which is my research topic. It presents the definition of cyberbullying and how to prevent it.


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