Please post your weekly link to a source that you've found regarding the class theme of the "American Dream" as a part of American culture OR one of the research topics you are exploring.
As always, guidelines are the following:
For participation, we will post a link by every Monday to a source (article, movie, blog, etc) relating toeither the class theme of the formation of the American Dream or your own individual research topic. Post a short summary of how the source relates to the aforementioned topic (1-2 sentences).
To receive full credit for each response, please comment on at least two of your classmates’ posts.
ReplyDeleteThis article was about the American Dream being not as alive as it use to be. The ideas and beliefs circling around the American Dream are shifting. It's interesting to read the different opinions being discussed whether the American Dream is still alive or not. Everyone has their own interpretation it.
Everyone has their own interpretation of it**
DeleteAmerican Dream idea is shifting but does it mean it is dead? Isn't it still alive if it is just changing?
DeleteI think its alive but just like you said, its shifting and changing
DeleteI think the America Dream is still alive to those who want it to be. But even our dreams and aspirations can start to shift over time, as we get older.
DeleteThe American dream will always exist in America for those who are hopeful that they can reach to wealth and prosperity. This can be seen everywhere where there are small businesses trying to grow into large businesses.
DeleteThe American dream will always be different for everyone. Most of the time if you're not already wealthy, its all about optimism, faith, and hard work.
ReplyDeleteThis scholarly article tests the idea of bodily image in Bulimia Nervosa and Anorexia Nervosa. The results show that people who have Bulimia Nervosa have greater distortion on the bodily image and the ideal body type.
I wonder to what extent media has to do with these disorders and if they will become less common as we change our standards of beauty to be more realistic.
DeleteIt honestly sucks that there are so many mental health issues that derive from all the images the media feeds society. It's mind boggling that for some reason the media cannot see the true beauty of each unique individual, and instead feels the need to photo shop people who are suppose to be role models for the upcoming generations.
DeleteYou would think now in the world people would learn to accept how they look and how they are however and that in our day in age we should progress in time rather then regress in our mentality.
DeleteIt is really unfortunate that in the media, some body types are valued while others are looked at negatively. We need to stop looking at body types as a style that can be more attractive than others.
DeleteMen also suffer from body image disorders as well as women. Some men go to extreme lengths (i.e. steroids or surgery) to fit the "ideal" body for a man.
ReplyDeleteThis article argues that the punishment of speech in any form is regressive due to the environment that it creates. "According to the most-basic tenets of psychology, helping people with anxiety disorders avoid the things they fear is misguided." Vindictive protectiveness poorly prepares students for professional life and aligns with a pathological thinking pattern.
I agree with the quotation. If you are helping someone run away from their fears they will never get over that.
DeleteI agree, people should overcome their fears and face it instead of running away from it
DeleteI don't think the line between "coddling" and being considerate is the most concrete but I also don't think that we as individuals get to tell each other how to react to a situation, what is "too much" or "not enough." To me it's all about respecting one another's perspective and acting accordingly, not by changing what you say, but how you say it.
ReplyDeleteThis is related to my research paper how Donald Trump plans to abolish common core and replace with a different system. Sounds great an all but he is just adding money like how all the previous presidents have done, wondering if his plan will make a difference.
I find it so ironic how part of his education policy states "Hillary opposes school choice, furthering education inequities in America and denying low-income African-American and Latino children the future they deserve."
DeleteWill his different system be easier or harder than that of the common core? Who will it benefit and who will it not?
DeleteI feel like with a topic like that, this kids that are involved should be thought of first. Many times its always circulating around money or other things. Its the kids that need to be thought of before anything else.
DeleteAbolishing one part of the education system will probably not solve anything. I believe that refining the flaws of our system is the right choice to make.
ReplyDeleteWhile extending the draft of my research paper I came across this source and it really opened my eyes to the skewed perspective we, as Westerners, have on terrorism. We easily identify terrorists as faceless, covert militiamen hiding in mountains or rainforests because that is what is portrayed to us by mainstream media, but never once is the camera turned around to reveal the real terrorists and Kwame Nkrumah expertly explains this in his book about neocolonialism.
I agree with this, I feel like media and people focus more on stereotyping the typical "terrorist", when in fact terrorism does not have a specific look
ReplyDeleteThis article is about the aftermath of the election that too place earlier this month and how it has impacted the students at West High School. Many children are scared for their lives on what will take place within the next four years. Children should not have to go to school and endure the pain like some of the children at West High School are dealing with. In my opinion, this election has caused America to show its true colors but it is sad that it has gotten this far.
I agree with you. It has gone too far and it's divided the nation when we're suppose to stand as one.
DeleteI agree, there are so many people in America feel depressed when the result came out.
DeleteIn my opinion, I feel like the only good thing that came out of this election is proving how divided our country really is.
ReplyDeleteKanye West announced that he did not vote but if he had the chance to, he would have voted for Trump. Kanye is an extremely famous and popular person, and an idol and inspiration to a lot of today youth. His say in politics could easily influence his fans so its important to not what he says.
He was hospitalized earlier today for his own "health and safety", so i think its safe to say he is not in a good state of mind right now.
DeleteThe impact celebrities can have on their fans is immense. When Hilary Clinton was campaigning she gained the support of many hollywood stars and some argued that because of this she became unreliable to the common person.
ReplyDeleteThis article discusses the ethics of artificial intelligence. As technology gets smarter, how will laws be set as to how robots can treat humans and how can humans treat them. If a driver-less car is involved in an accident, who is to blame? Who needs to take the insurance? If robots become "free-thinking", should they be equally protected under the US Constitution like a person? These are all questions man-kind will have to face in the near future as our mechanical minds continue to advance. Thoughts and concerns about what is right or wrong are open to debate.
Is it possible that artificial intelligence could surpass human intelligence at the rate technology is going.
DeleteAs technology has developed, artificial intelligence can be a more concerned issue.
ReplyDeleteIn this article, the writer claims that the "dream" is still alive to pursue. He states that small businesses and other factors along with it is a representation that the American Dream still exists.
ReplyDeleteThis video talks about how the electoral college works in response to people arguing for a reevaluation of choosing the President-elect Donald Trump. The reporter believes unfortunately, theres no chance in choosing Hillary due to how the system works with Republicans being the chosen electors for each state who were won by Republicans.
I believe there really is a slim chance for Hilary to have won due to those electors
ReplyDeleteThis article gives off a basic example of the American Dream but later proves that there is no such thing while strengthening their argument, comparing it to other countries.
ReplyDeleteThere is a list called "Top Ten Ways to Get Away with Rape" that this article focuses on. I don't know if this was suppose to be a joke or not but it's absolutely disgusting. I'm glad this made the news because it helps show rape culture on college campuses but also I wish the person or people who made this flyer were found and expelled because why would they ever think this was okay?!
That is really disgusting for someone to actually write an article for something so immoral
DeleteThis is so disturbing...I completely agree with what you said about hoping to find out who wrote it.
DeleteI can't understand how so many people promote rape.Even if it was a joke, it's unacceptable and disgusting. So many people don't have the slightest clue on how rape can ruin someone's life.
ReplyDeleteThe Just Label It organization is not against GMOs. They just want direct and worded labels of products that contain genetically modified organisms. They criticize Hershey's (the candy company) for using QR codes to get away with using GMOs.
ReplyDeleteThis article shows different cosmetic brands that do use animals to test out their products for irritation before producing.
animal testing should be labeled as animal cruelty!
DeleteWhile animal testing may seem unnecessarily cruel, there are alot of medical advances we can thank for this.
ReplyDeleteThis article shows a slideshow of rape statistics and specific cases involving the senetencing of the rapists. This works well with my research paper about creating a universal rape law.
My research topic is on the NSA spying scandal. This link is the results of a Pew Research Survey regarding the NSA spying scandal leak. The results are Americans and foreigners opinions on the leak and on the United States government. These results are interesting and informative.
ReplyDeleteThis article explores the changes in society that have greatly changed the meaning of " the American Dream" to some people. Things such as education and student debt, new jobs and employment, and healthcare are among the problems in the US that prevent people from attaining their american dream.
ReplyDeleteThis article is about the interventions that school can do to stop cyberbullying.