Monday, October 31, 2016

Weekly Discussion for 10/31

Please post your weekly link to a source that you've found regarding the class theme of the "American Dream" as a part of American culture OR one of the research topics you are exploring.

As always, guidelines are the following:

For participation, we will post a link by every Monday to a source (article, movie, blog, etc) relating toeither the class theme of the formation of the American Dream or your own individual research topic. Post a short summary of how the source relates to the aforementioned topic (1-2 sentences).

To receive full credit for each response, please comment on at least two of your classmates’ posts.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Weekly Discussion for 10/24

Please post your weekly link to a source that you've found regarding the class theme of the "American Dream" as a part of American culture OR one of the research topics you are exploring.

As always, guidelines are the following:

For participation, we will post a link by every Monday to a source (article, movie, blog, etc) relating toeither the class theme of the formation of the American Dream or your own individual research topic. Post a short summary of how the source relates to the aforementioned topic (1-2 sentences).

To receive full credit for each response, please comment on at least two of your classmates’ posts.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Post 2-3 Research Questions for 10/18

We'll be meeting in the library to for tomorrow's class, 10/18. The goal will be to have an in-class research day. (I'm still waiting for confirmation that we'll meet in the same E404 classroom as last time, so I will send an email reminder later).

Consider the topics you have in mind and try to write 2 or 3 rough drafts of Research Questions that could guide your research tomorrow.

Above all, an effective research question should be imtetesting to you. A full and useful research question usually consists of 2 or 3 parts: a What? and How/Why?

  For example, a rough question would be: "How are social networking sites harmful?"

A revised research question would be: "How are users experiencing and addressing privacy issues on social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter?"

Weekly Discussion Posts for 10/17

Please post your weekly link to a source that you've found regarding the class theme of the "American Dream" as a part of American culture OR one of the research topics you are exploring.

As always, guidelines are the following:

For participation, we will post a link by every Monday to a source (article, movie, blog, etc) relating toeither the class theme of the formation of the American Dream or your own individual research topic. Post a short summary of how the source relates to the aforementioned topic (1-2 sentences).

To receive full credit for each response, please comment on at least two of your classmates’ posts.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Twitter Post due 10/13

1.   Create a fake Twitter account
2.   Post an in-class summary or blog post 1 using 10 - 15 tweets (1400 – 2000 characters)
Or Instagram account and post minimum of 1400 – 2000 characters (max is 2200)
3.   Post the link
4.   Comment on at least 2 classmates’ posts.

This is a pretty unconventional but playful assignment. After you look at the readings for Friday's class, you'll notice that Cullington and others mention textspeak and digital language.  Basically, take a look at your past blog posts and pick one to rewrite in textspeak/digital language in a throwaway Twitter or Instagram account. 

We're having some fun seeing the ways that our language and message content can change when we use social media. I actually encourage even more informal, digital-based language if it serves to convey a message (i.e. use of hash tags, abbreviations, fragments).