Friday, September 30, 2016

Weekly Discussion Post due by 10/6

Reviewing the They Say/I Say readings from Graff, Rose, and the Howard Gardner presentation in classwrite 3-5 paragraphs identifying at least one kind of non-academic intelligence you possess, describe its characteristics, and how you use it.


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  2. We all possess each one of the intelligence listed by Howard Garner. Howard Garner’s list of the multiple intelligences are as follows, intra-personal, spatial, naturalist, musical, logical mathematical, existential, interpersonal, bodily-kinesthetic and linguistic. As individuals, some possess each type to a more or lesser degree than others. A non-academic intelligence that I feel that I possess is logical-mathematical intelligence.

    The defining characteristic of people with logical-mathematical intelligence is the trend to always look at a situation logically and be able to reason the causes or effects. People with logical-mathematical intelligence are usually organized, good test takers and very mathematical. People with logical-mathematical intelligence favor ideas that are absolutely true and do not rely human thoughts. For example, a math problem has an exact answer, while a subject like philosophy has an open ended answer or no answer at all.

    Logical-mathematical intelligence is not just very useful in my classes like Chemistry and Calculus but in day to day life as well. In my life I exhibit this trait by thinking rationally before I make a statement or make a decision, no matter how small. Another example of this trait being exhibited in my behavior is shown by my inclination to always be well researched in a topic before I talk anything about it (research is usually data/statistics). I always respect the value of data because it cannot lie or be swayed by its own personal bias. Another role logical-mathematical intelligence plays in my life is that I keep very good track of my money by always having an estimation for how much money I make vs how much money I spend.

  3. When we are presented with the word intelligence, we automatically assume book smart. Our minds directly lead to school, books, and education. Howard Gardner however mentions that this is not the only intelligence that is present amongst us. There are actually eight different types of intelligences we can possess. These eight intelligences are spatial, naturalist, musical, logical-mathematical, existential, interpersonal, bodily-kinesthetic, linguistic, and intra-personal. A non academic intelligence that I possess is the interpersonal intelligence.

    Interpersonal intelligence has to do with knowing yourself as a person. It deals with your emotions and the level of awareness that you are with your thoughts and actions. Interpersonal intelligence consists of how well you are with controlling your thought, actions, and feelings in situations and if you are aware of your qualities. People with interpersonal intelligences are very knowledgable about themselves.

    On a day to day basis, I perform many interpersonal intelligence characteristics. I know my feelings well enough to either include or exclude myself from a situation before it happens. I keep in the back of my mind my abilities to be able to do certain tasks. Knowing my feelings, emotions and thoughts help in dictating what I do everyday. For example knowing my strengths and weaknesses helps me while I work. I know certain tasks that I am able to handle myself and as for other tasks, I may need to ask for help or search for guidance.

  4. After reading Rose’s essay “Blue Collar Brilliance” I was relieved to find that someone had finally adequately and effectively put my thoughts into words. Since the beginning of my educational career, but especially college, I have wondered why we as a society don’t promote careers in art or music the way we fervently do in science and math. We have lost appreciation for any form of social intelligence in favor of high salaries; and this attitude has become such a prevalent part of our culture that it bleeds onto children, steering them away from being dancers and musicians, breeding a generation of miserable accountants and physicians assistants.
    Personally, I have always felt as though I could “read a room” well and until learning about the eight different intelligences I lacked the vocabulary to describe that ability. Until now I have credited this aptitude to my firm grasp on the english language but I’ve come to learn it is called interpersonal intelligence. Described by numerous psychologists as the capability to understand people’s moods, emotions and motivations through verbal and nonverbal cues interpersonal intelligence is actually attributed to the comprehension of social norms, and not english as I previously thought.
    Of the common eight intelligences I consider interpersonal to be one of the most valuable in everyday situations. I obviously apply interpersonal intelligence in my everyday life but it proves to be most convenient during conversation. As someone who likes to joke often I first have to get a feel for the type of person I’m interacting with and what the context is so I can gauge if it’s appropriate or not. There have been countless times where I’m engaging with a group of people and one person says something, unintentionally making everyone else uncomfortable; it’s in ordinary social situations like that where interpersonal intelligence is essential to maintaining a sort of homeostasis.

  5. Howard Gardner created eight categories in which he used to classify intelligence. Those categories include Spatial, Intrapersonal, Linguistic, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Interpersonal, Existential, Logical-Mathematical, Musical, and Naturalist. All of them offer someone a way to identify with and classify their intelligence within this system. While some people may identify with one category, someone else may feel like they are the exact opposite, and relate to a different one. Those who are musically talented with instruments or their voice might find a larger connection with musical intelligence rather than someone who is very in touch with their body and shape (bodily-kinesthetic). These intelligences offer people a way to see where they fit in and to understand that just because someone does well in school and is good at remembering facts and information, it doesn’t mean that someone who is in touch with who they are and understands themselves is any less intelligent.

    After careful consideration, I feel as though I can identify with Interpersonal Intelligence the best. I do well in school for the most part and enjoy learning, but I hate math. I find that all the numbers and formulas are not easily comprehensible in my brain. Logistically, my intelligence in mathematics could use some work. However, what I find that I am really good at is helping others and feeling what they need. I feel in touch with other people’s feelings and usually am the first one to ask if they are okay and need some comfort. I enjoy offering my support to others, and I’m really good at it. I have a good sense of how the things around them affect them and how to alleviate any pain or misunderstandings. For a long time I wanted to be a counselor, so I could help people with their problems, and make a career out of it. I have always been in tune with others.

    Identifying with Interpersonal Intelligence means that someone is understanding of other people’s emotions, susceptible to other people’s moods and motivations, a good leader and/or coordinator, as well as knowing of the social norms and incorporating them into everyday life, according to Howard Gardner. If a friend was visibly upset, someone who had interpersonal intelligence would be able to judge by the environment and emotions swirling inside the upset friend, and be able to make their friend feel better and talk them through their feelings. They would be able to empathize and make the situation bearable and maybe even better. People with this intelligence would be able to make the best of the worst, and ultimately be able to brighten any body’s day. They are the sunshine that peeks out when the thunderstorm has just wrecked havoc on its surroundings.

    It’s important that people remember there are many different kinds of intelligence, as expressed before. Yes, book smart is very useful and culturally one of the highest intelligences there is, but all intelligences are important. As expressed by numerous authors like Graff and Rose, street smarts is just as important, if not more, as someone who knows everything by the books. Life experiences and hands on learning both offer a chance of obtaining information one couldn’t learn from a textbook or worksheet. Living through and experiencing it yourself is so powerful and can even be better than learning from a classroom perspective. All of the types of intelligences are important, and when they are used in unison, a person is truly at their smartest.

  6. People think of intelligence as school intelligence or street intelligence, but Howard Gardner explains it in depth with his theory. Howard Gardner’s theory claims everybody contains at least one of the eight intelligence that he proposes. The intelligences are intrapersonal, spatial, naturalist, musical, logical mathematical, existential, interpersonal, bodily-kinesthetic and linguistic. People can have a little of each but the intelligence I was gifted is intrapersonal intelligence.

    The definition of intrapersonal intelligence is the ability of controlling and knowing one’s own emotions. This intelligence allows a person to know their own emotions and be able to identify what they are thinking. They also are able to identify their strengths and weaknesses. They will be able to work independently or prefer to work independently. Since they learn about self and know what they think they can be more intuitive.

    Intrapersonal intelligence may sound like an intelligence that isn’t very useful but can be. Being able to know your strengths and weakness gives you a clear image of what you can do and cannot. This can allow a person to be able to plan things through and know their limitations. For example, I know I cannot study and cram for tests. Due to this weakness or lack of ability, I must study days before the test to properly prepare because cramming the night before does not work for me.

  7. We generally associated intelligence with how good an individual is in academics or based on their educational background, but Howard Gardner disagrees and believes that there are multiple types of intelligence. They are: logical mathematical intelligence, verbal - linguistic intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, body - kinesthetic intelligence, musical intelligence, visual-spatial intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, and naturalistic intelligence.
    After thoroughly understanding what each non- academic intelligence is I believe I possess, intrapersonal intelligence. Intrapersonal intelligence is defined as understanding yourself and self-awareness, knowing your feelings, emotions that go through your mind when you are going through certain situations and how well you can control emotions, and your actions. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses.
    Although intrapersonal intelligence may not seem as useful as the other intelligences like logical mathematical intelligence. I think otherwise. I believe knowing your weakness and strength help you in an everyday. And knowing your emotions and being self-aware is helpful when it comes to being a situation that may have a bad outcome. Having that intrapersonal intelligence helps you know if you should excuse yourself from a situation that may not be of benefit to you. Also having intrapersonal intelligence lets you know what you can or cannot do so.

  8. When some people think of intelligence, they think of good grades, big words, and hard math. Along with these things, there are 8 more ideas that are counted as intelligence. Being "smart" or intelligent is more than what society seems to center it around. People unconsciously associate intelligence with only book-smarts, not realizing that there are other credible things that are in that category. Besides possessing the well-known intellectual intelligence, I also possess interpersonal intelligence.
    Interpersonal intelligence involves being able to communicate, understand, and work with other people. People who possess interpersonal intelligence are able to easily understand people's emotions, moods, and the way they think/act. In addition to this, a person with a high sense of interpersonal intelligence would find it very easy to see what motivates a person and would help them become more motivated.
    By using my interpersonal intelligence, I have been able to make new friends and connections. I’m able to easily tell if someone is happy or sad, and I have been successful in helping them change their mood. I’m a very good motivator and even if I’m not in a very good mood myself, I am able to make someone else feel better. Having a high sense of interpersonal intelligence keeps me from being lonely sometimes.

  9. People usually associate intelligence with great academic records and high IQ. However, there is more to intelligence than just good grades. Howard Gardner proposes that there are several kinds of intelligence which are interpersonal, spatial, naturalist, musical, logical, existential, linguistic, etc. Personally, I possess the logical mathematical intelligence.

    For me, I like to perceive the real world through logical reasoning and mathematics rather than beliefs. In addition, I, myself, love math and any types of problem that requires mathematical thinking and reasoning. Even though my parents are religious, I isolate myself from some of my family religious beliefs that define reality as a creation of god. Along with mathematics, scientific reasoning is another characteristics of logical intelligence. Similar to mathematics, science is real and a logical explanation of why the world is the way it is. I also view the world scientifically as well.

    I do not know if this type of intelligence is the reason why I am excellent in both math and science subjects, but I am sure that it does impact how I learn and my learning interests. In addition to learning interests, this king of intelligence has prompted my mind to always see the world through logic, reason, and science. As a result, it is hard for me to comprehend how religious beliefs and holy figures like God, himself, play a part on shaping the world.

  10. According to Howard Gardner, everyone have eight intelligence. The level of each intelligence is different for everyone. Some people may have a stronger linguistic rather than mathematics/logic. Throughout life some prefer to further strengthen the intelligence or improve a weaker intelligence. I try to improve my weaker intelligence to become more well rounded but it is not as easy as I thought.

    I have logical-mathematic and verbal-linguistic intelligence. This is nessary for school especially for English and Math courses. Other than the academic intelligence,I possess Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence. This type of intelligence is known to like to move around a lot, touch and talk. The people who have this intelligence know how the body moves in sync with the mind.

    When I play any type of sport I use this intelligence. I mainly play volleyball, handball and basketball. These sports are very active and the mind along with the body must be quick. Not only is this intelligence known for being athlete, they are also sometimes actors. Although I am not an actor I do know how to behave in a certain setting which is similar to acting. This is when I use this type of intelligence.

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  12. Howard Gardner is an American psychologist that is known for his multiple intelligences theory. When most people think of someone as ‘smart’ or ‘intelligent’, you think they excel in math and science. Well, Gardner’s idea is there is more than one type of intelligences and people are intellectually plural. This means that a single person can be intelligent in many ways and some intelligences can be stronger than others. He proposed eight different intelligences. They are logical-mathematical, verbal-linguistic, interpersonal, body-kinesthetic, musical, visual-spatial, intrapersonal, and naturalistic. Personally, I feel my main intelligences are logical-mathematical and interpersonal.

    Those who are logical-mathematically and interpersonally intelligent usually have certain characteristic that point to these intelligences. Logical-mathematical intelligence is associated with being good at deductive reasoning, logical thinking, and being able to understand complex and abstract ideas. People who are logical-mathematical intelligent are usually organized, good with numbers, and enjoy solving puzzles. Interpersonal intelligence is portrayed with being able to effectively use verbal and nonverbal communication, sensitive to moods and temperaments of others, and can show multiple perspectives. This means that interpersonally intelligent people are good at reading peoples’ emotions and can be whatever the other person needs at that moment.

    I believe I am most logic-mathematically and interpersonally intelligent. I have always been organized with all aspects in my life and prefer routine. I also excel in planning and scheduling. These and other characteristics of mine lead me to believe that I am logically-mathematically intelligent. As for interpersonal, I believe I am this type of intelligent because I have always been good at reading my friends’ and family’s’ emotions. I very often can tell if someone is upset or being secretive about something. I also think I am good at responding to people’s emotions based on how I read them. I can become whoever my friends need in that instant. Whether that be someone to confide in or someone to just have fun with. Because of me being especially logical and emotionally sensitive to others I often take the “mom” role in my group of friends. It is interesting to see how a person’s most affluent non-academic intelligences affect how they exist in the world and it was most interesting to see how my own intelligences affect my life and interactions.

    1. I love your intro, especially when you said "intellectually plural",I had never thought about it that way.

  13. There are many forms of intelligence based on Howard Gardner.School can only measure our level of intelligence to a certain degree because it mainly focuses on how smart we are academically. Other forms of intelligence that the school might not really look at are Visual, Mathematical, Musical, Linguistic, Naturalist, Intrapersonal, Interpersonal and Body kinesthetic. Out of the eight intelligence I would fall mostly on visual-spatial and interpersonal.
    Visual-Spatial intelligence are very focused around themselves and their surroundings. They have the ability to create and altar images in their head visually. I feel like this fits me because I am pretty artistic. I believe that this type of intelligence helped me through high school because I was an art major all throughout high school. I was mostly interested in art because I was good at it. That is until I found out a lot of other people are as good or even better than me that I did not really have the same passion as them. It made me realize that my passion was not really art even though I was visually-spatially intelligent.
    Interpersonal intelligence is when you have the ability to understand someone and work with them. It makes social and teamwork much easier if you're able to understand how to communicate with others. I feel like this type of intelligence did not kick in through me until high school. High school are the days where I learn how to speak with more confidence and to initiate in order to get something that I want. I feel that school should really help student focus on this intelligent more because it is very important for them to practice this in order to be successful when they get older with jobs and working with people.
    Both intelligence that I fell in were in a huge part of my life. But I also feel that although my visual-spatial intelligent got me through my high school art classes, it can also help in every other ways of my life. It can be a hobby or it can help me think creatively. Interpersonal intelligence really takes me from being introverted to being pretty social and outgoing once you talk to me. These type of intelligence that I have shapes the person that I am today.

  14. After reading Graff and Rose's essay as well as seeing the Gardner presentation in class, I can confirm that more people than I thought, believe that higher education is not necessary for all. Yes, higher education is amazing because it broadens one's horizons but some people are just not cut out for it. Determining one's intelligence based on their academic career should not be the only way. There are some people who can know a certain topic from the back of their hand but when it comes down to taking an exam, they just blank out. For example, I am not the best but not the worst when it comes to academic subjects but I know I am better when dealing with other things.

    According to Howard Gardner there are eight different types of intelligence such as spatial, naturalist, musical, logical-mathematical, interpersonal, bodily-kinesthetic, linguistic, and intra-personal. Spatial is being able to visualize things in 3D. Naturalist, musical, logical-mathematical intelligences are pretty self explanatory. Interpersonal is having more of a social intelligence. An example of bodily-kinesthetic intelligence is an athlete. Linguistic intelligence is when someone is able to express themselves with the right words. And finally intra-personal intelligence is when one is able to understand him/herself.

    I am a combination of interpersonal, intra-personal, and logical-mathematical intelligence. I am interpersonal because I enjoy trying to understand people, but the difference is that it's based through one on one contact rather than from a social environment. I am Intra-personal because I truly enjoy a lot of alone time; it's very therapeutic. I usually read blog posts daily rather than actual books. I also find it easier to get things done when doing them alone. I am logical-mathematical because I am good with numbers up to a certain point. After that point, I am pretty much lost in the math world. Just because the three intelligence listed above are my strongest, it does not mean that I don’t acquire intelligence in the other five, its just that its lower than these.

  15. Many people, including myself, did not know the existence of the many more types of intelligence than we thought existed. This idea is presented by Howard Garner’s concept of eight intelligences: Logical- Mathematical, Verbal-Linguistic, Interpersonal, Body-Kinesthetic, Musical, Visual-Spatial, Intrapersonal, and Naturalistic intelligence. In the society we live in, there must be people with some types of intelligences; although people may have a bit of each intelligence, no one lives without intelligence. I believe I possess Logical-Mathematical and Interpersonal intelligence.

    Having Logical-Mathematical intelligence directly links to acquiring logical, analytical, critical thinking, and organization skills. A good grasp of these skills would allow one to have sharper thinking as well as the reasoning behind any existence. A person who claims Logical-Mathematical intelligence think of both sides of a debate, analyzes, and reasons it. Having Interpersonal intelligence directly links to acquiring the skill to mentally communicate with nature. One would have the capabilities to understand one another in a relation or a group and motivate one another if needed. A person who claims Interpersonal intelligence are able to work flawlessly with others and get tasks done.

    Logical-Mathematical Intelligence applies to me when I participate in my mathematics and chemistry classes. Being able to redo and recheck your work a couple of times is vital in the works. I have to be organized when it comes to showing my work for a chemistry or calculus problem because I would no longer be able to analyze my work when I’m done due to the mess. In some calculus problems, I would also have to explain my work. I believe these acts contribute to what is called Logical-Mathematical skills that I hone throughout my higher education. Interpersonal Intelligence applies to me when some of my friends come to me for advise or when I meet new people. Being able to understand where my friends or acquaintance came from would allow me to ease up the process of getting to know them better. I would be able to get along with many more classmates and friends if I am able to motivate them to do better. I also believe these acts contribute to what is called Interpersonal Intelligence.

  16. It is not a secret that there are more then one type of intelligence. According to Howard Garner and the reading there are approximately eights types of intelligence which are: musical, visual, verbal, logical, bodily, interpersonal, interpersonal, naturalistic, and existential. A few of these intelligence were elaborated in the reading using examples to concrete statement about the different types of intelligence. An non- academic intelligence that I believe that I possessed is interpersonal. The reason I think I have this type of intelligence is because in any or every situation, I feel that I am very in tuned with myself, and I know how to handle myself in certain issues.
    The characteristics of interpersonal is the awareness of one's own thoughts and emotions. This can help a person be aware of their own strength and weaknesses. Letting them understand what makes that person tick or what motivates them, I feel that this type of intelligence everyone should possess to a certain degree.
    I use my interpersonal in my every day life because, I find that all though life may not go as expected makes it easy for a person to have a 'meltdown.' No I am not special however everyone does have there own way to handle a problem, personally for me I always keep a planner, diary, or just music to release any tension that could be building especially stress.

    1. Its great that you can be interpersonal because no one needs piled up stress

  17. What do we mean by intelligence? In society, many people believe that intelligence always has to deal with being "book smart," with great education, using SAT words, speaking very mature, etc. However, I think there is a such thing as book smart. In Gerald Graff's article, he attests that intelligence doesn't only exist in the scholary form of thinking. Knowledge can also be taken form as "street smart." Street smart is a person who has a lot of common sense and knows what's going on in the world. This person knows what every type of person has to deal with daily and understands all groups of people and how to act around them in society.
    According to Howard Gardner, he portrays multiple intelligence that include: linguistic, body kinesthetic, interpersonal, existential, logical-mathematical, musical,naturalist, spatial, and intra-personal. I believe I convey an interpersonal feel. Interpersonal intelligence is when those who have this trait, is able to communicate with others and giving them a hand. is the ability to understand and interact effectively with others. It involves effective verbal and nonverbal communication, the ability to note distinctions among others, sensitivity to the moods and temperaments of others, and the ability to entertain multiple perspectives.
    Being able to have this characteristic, I feel as if I am always putting someone ahead of me and always worry about others first than me. For instance, when I see a lady with a big carriage waiting to get help to bring the carriage down, I never hesitate. I take the work because I feel like that's only right. This characteristic may be inherited because my mother is also very genuine and has the mindset of putting others first then herself.
    This intelligence can be either a negative or a positive. Negative because many can take advantage of the nice person and a positive outcome because it makes you feel good about yourself.

  18. When it comes to intelligence, people usually apply to the academic work. After all of the time I have spent in school, I think current education put too much attention on the academic intelligence, such as, tests, homework, grades, achievements, etc. The school kind of overlook the other potential intelligence that the students acquire.

    The presentation created by Howard Gardner exemplifies eight categories of intelligence, which are we possessed in our everyday life. I think the one I am mostly good at is the intrapersonal intelligence. The intrapersonal intelligence as Howard Gardner presented is the ability to understand myself. It is a process of self-awareness. After acquiring the intrapersonal intelligence, I am able to know how I actually feel, who I am, and the limits of my abilities and so on.

    The intrapersonal intelligence can be widely used in life. Sometimes, When I feel frustrated in life, I always figure out a way that makes me get rid of all the negative emotions and become inspired again. I usually set my goals for every school year and monitor myself to progress. Moreover, I prefer working alone in a quiet and comfortable environment. I also spend a lot of time on reflecting things and self-thinking.

  19. Intelligence is defined solely on an individuals ability to understand. Whether it be logical, musical, spatial, or linguistic; The problem with determining intelligence with school work is that it usually does not cover all aspects of intelligence or rather it forces the student to base themselves within one field of intelligence.
    One type of intelligence that I have always been fascinated by is of linguistics. While a lot of it can be tied into an interpersonal intelligence it is not dependent on it. An individual with great linguistic intelligence is capable of moving people and appealing to their emotions or logic seemingly by a whim. With a clear understanding of some of the most basic yet powerful emotions they are able to bend situations for a desired effect. Another characteristic being an excellent communication of ideas and thoughts allows such individuals to easily set things in motion.
    Examples of high linguistic intelligence can be seen in comedians and actors. For a comedian understanding the effect of words and how they are used is very important, while anyone can be funny through a given routine a great comedian is usually associated with wit and timing for good reason. In the case of an actor the focus is placed on being able to convey an emotion, which is heavily impacted by how words are used. In more specific cases phonetics can open up an actor to more roles. Personally my most frequent use of linguistic intelligence has been to help and motivate others, in cases where I am successful word choice and delivery is always a factor.

  20. After reading Rose’s article, I realized that intelligence comes from being hands on with what you have to face in the everyday world. Having an educational background is important to pursue the career that you want, but it is not something that will carry you when you have to come face to face with different people who are different than you and handle things differently. This goes to show that Howard Garner is right that people have multiple intelligences that all them to be able to deal with things that are not always pertaining to academics. A non-academic intelligence that I possess is intrapersonal.

    Intrapersonal intelligence is being able to be in-tuned with yourself and your own goals. Being able to possess this type of intelligence allows you to become more independent and not to rely on others so much. Do not get me wrong, we all do need someone to lean on at times. One thing about this type of intelligence is that you learned how to be your best friend and how to put yourself first sometimes. Being intrapersonal will cause you to learn how to stand on your two feet and when you mess up know that you can get back up and try it again.

    I use this intelligence when I might have not done well on a test. Even though I do have friends that tell me “it is ok”; it is sometimes a better thing for me to tell myself that because I am letting myself know that mistakes happen and there is always time for improvement. Also, I tend to you use this type of intelligence when I am talking to my friends that are dealing with situations and sometimes by just do that I start to look at things in a different way. So as I am helping a friend they end up opening my eyes to something. Intrapersonal allows me to be able just to escape into my own world and allows me to have time to understand what I like and dislike. While at the same time, allows me to be independent in whatever needs to be done. It allows me to put myself in check whenever I need to.

  21. People usually define people who are smart as a person who can think outside the box or a person who has excellent test grades. This of course was caused by the board of education. I believe everyone is so used to seeing people with high test scores become something in life, that people automatically assume that if you can't pass a test you cant become someone big. And after reading the articles it made me realized that what i was thinking is completely true.
    Bodily-kinesthetic is an intelligence that coordinate your body with your mind. Which would mean people who like to do sports, dance or act are very good in this intelligence. So i guess I am classified as an intelligent person because I can relate to this intelligence. I am very good at in all these aspects. Sports, dancing and acting. I can relate to other intelligence but i believe that in this one i am very strong at. I would always that I have an artistic mind because I didn't think it was classified as intelligence. I always believed that intelligence was getting good grades and doing well academically.
    Many people see this as a talent but many people still think in today's world that with these talents you wont get nowhere in life if you don't have "intelligence". Not knowing themselves that it is classified as an intelligence. It is important to have logical- Mathematics because you're going to need it even if you don't want to. Its actually good to have all 8 intelligence because it gives you an advantage. But know that i understand that intelligence are classified different in each other i understand that everyone is intelligent in a way.

  22. There is a common misconception of the word intelligence. Most, when talking about intelligence, solely refer to academia or ones ability to academically excel in a course with or with hard work. However, according to Howard Gardner the are several behaviors that can be considered an intelligence. These intelligence's are musical–rhythmic, visual–spatial, verbal–linguistic, logical–mathematical, bodily–kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic. Everybody posses at least a little bit of each but one is dominant and varies from person to person. Musical intelligence is the one that's more dominant in myself.

    There are many interesting components and characteristics to the musical intelligence.People with high musical intelligence are highly musically-inclined, in that, they desire and have an ear for music. They are also able to recognize the different patterns of music, like the rhythm and the bass. They are able to use this acute sense of music to compose music pieces and songs. Musically intelligent people can easily pick up the beat, and they usually tap, hum, sing or whistle. There is an intense passion for music, so intense that one could immitate other voices and can clearly distinguish between the different tones and notes of varied instruments.

    Without evening knowing I use musical intelligence in various ways. For example, I add rhythm or a melody to the text of the material I learn. Meaning i'll turn notes into songs or associate a certain hum with a certain piece of information,so when I hum i'll remember that piece of information. I also use this intelligence to change my mood. Music, whether it'd be vocal or instrumental depending on the pitch or what instrumental are being used my mood can change. Musical intelligence can be very beneficial because if you can remember what you've learned in class like how you can remember song there will be a hard time to forget what you've learned.


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