Friday, September 30, 2016

Weekly Discussion Post due by 10/6

Reviewing the They Say/I Say readings from Graff, Rose, and the Howard Gardner presentation in classwrite 3-5 paragraphs identifying at least one kind of non-academic intelligence you possess, describe its characteristics, and how you use it.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Questions for Guest speaker HERE

Tuesday's guest lecturer, Keith Baldwin, is a freelance writer and graduate of The New School's M.F.A. Creative Writing (fiction) program. He's looking forward to having an informal chat about the composition process, your questions about writing and any other questions you may have for him about writing fiction or academic work, pursuing Creative Writing as a degree, advice, etc.

In preparation for his visit, please post 2 questions by Monday 5 P.M:

First, read Chapter 1 of Richard Dawkin's The Selfish Gene and post 1 discussion question you have about the material (whether it's confused, rebutting, or just curious).

Second, please post 1 question you have about the composition process as a whole (about beginning, about being blocked, advice for clearing one's head, etc.).

Weekly Discussion for 9/26

Please post your weekly link to a source that you've found regarding the class theme of the "American Dream" as a part of American culture OR one of the research topics you are exploring.

As always, guidelines are the following:

For participation, we will post a link by every Monday by 5 P.M. to a source (article, movie, blog, etc) relating to either the class theme of the formation of the American Dream or your own individual research topic. Post a short summary of how the source relates to the aforementioned topic (1-2 sentences).

To receive full credit for each response, please comment on at least two of your classmates’ posts.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Research Topics

Our lovely class librarian would like an idea of what research topics you are considering before we meet in the Library on Friday, 9/23. Please make a short comment listing 3 topics that interest you (bullet points are fine).

Friday, September 16, 2016

Weekly Discussion for 9/20

For participation, we will post a link by every Monday by 5 P.M. to a source (article, movie, blog, etc) relating to either the class theme of the formation of the American Dream or your own individual research topic. Post a short summary of how the source relates to the aforementioned topic (1-2 sentences).

To receive full credit for each response, please comment on at least two of your classmates’ posts. 

Monday, September 12, 2016

American Dream - Asmaul Hosna


        In the three articles that were mention in the readings, "Confronting Inequality," presented by Paul Krugman states that all though the inequality in the United States is awfully high it is has not gotten to the point where the American people have to worry about another "great depression." A better America is still obtainable, however it will not be happening overnight it will take years to renew and patch up the gap between the rich and middle class. Another article that had a similar view  was "The American Dream:Dead, Alive, or on Hold?" written by Brandon King. whom believes that the "American Dream" does not exist however there were attempts to to fix the inequality gap. Such as "The Great Recession" which was to raise the minimum wage which back fired quickly. As the salary went up the amount of workers went down and the prices for materials when up causing it to worsen the economic situation. The last reading, "America Remains the World's Beacon of Success" by Tim Roemer. The way this narrator presented his idea was by personal experience and listed what he has seen and had witness. Majority of these three readings say that the "American Dream" is slowly slipping away from the citizens, however it is not so lost to the point where the dream is completely unobtainable, the articles are trying to say that there is hope, but the citizens must make it happen.
       The strongest article in my opinion was, "The American Dream: Dream, Alive, or on Hold?" written by Brandon King. The way the author presented his idea was clearly and thoroughly stated unlike the other articles which dragged on. What separated King's article from the rest was when talks about how the government attempted to sew up the gap by taxing the rich, which was not an ideally action because that was not helping working class people to achieve the "American Dream." Another solution was the,"The Great Recession," which too did not work out simply that it caused a domino effect. This plan ended up attacking the working class people by laying off people and increase living expenses. The way Brandon King portrayed his argument was easy and straight to the point, his tone was straightforward and he got his ideas across smoothly.
      My personal thoughts on the matter is that what ever solution that is made not everyone will be satisfied with. Such as taxing the rich it started off as a brilliant idea but ended up not creating any changes. What I find very interesting is that majority of American Dream is still alive, including my self however reading articles and knowing how American people are economically at disadvantaged compared to the top 1% is enough to boil anyone's blood. Another interesting fact is, not a lot of people see the inequality as much is because as long as people are at a equal stance "socially" the no one really bats an eye.

American Dream

                                                                                                                                                                            Hua Yan
   In the article, “Confronting inequality” by Paul Krugman, states the inequality in America today.  Paul Krugman uses convincing data and authority sources to prove his opinion that American dream has been weakened by the increasing gap between the wealthy people and the poor people. Paul Krugman emphasizes how an income inequality leads to a social inequality. However, Both Brandon King in his article “The American Dream: Dead, Alive, or on Hold and Tim Roemer in “American Remains the World’s Beacon of Success” believe that American dream still exists. Brandon King also cites the convincing facts and reputable sources to reinforce his argument that American dream is alive and more important than ever. He challenges economists who think that American dream no longer exist unless the government adopts certain policies to close the income gap by pointing out that sometimes the government policies might have negatively impact the economy. He claims that American dream is not merely based on the money but more on the people’s own thoughts. In addition, Tim Roemer who also believes that American dream does exist applies his experiences in foreign country as an ambassador to strengthen his standpoint.
  In my point, Paul Krugman made the strongest argument. In his article, his authority and all those convincing facts and statistics add his credibility. Moreover, he views the American dream in a prospective way by advocating that income inequality can result in social inequality which negatively affects peoples life. He applies a lot of facts to show how wealthy people differ to the middle class in many ways. The unfairness can make middle class feel depression and burdened.  He also cites many persuasive evidence to challenge the opposite side. For example, he states that there is no evidence showing raising the minimum wage will lead to the job loss. In fact, increasing the minimum wage in range that is likely to take place can benefit the workers.  Overall, Paul Krugman believes that government should adopt policies to narrow the income inequality in order to make American dream more touchable.
  Therefore, I agree with Paul Krugmans argument that American dream has been weakened. It is time for government to reduce the inequalities to make American dream revive. Nowadays, American people have been living in pressure. They have to work day and night to repay their mortgage debt, to get their children a better school, etc. They get more burdens on their shoulders in this competition and unfair society.  Not knowing when they forgot the true meaning of American dream, as they are under greater pressure than ever. 

Sunday, September 11, 2016

9/13 - American Dream

Preface and Introduction (xviii-14), Chapter 19 opening, (539-541)

Krugman “Confronting Inequality” (561-580)

King, “The American Dream: Dead, Alive, or on Hold?” (610-617)

Roemer, “America Remains the World’s Beacon of Success” (618-622)

Blog post by Tuesday 9 AM.

Write a 3-5 paragraph response to the readings:
 1) Summarize both sides of the argument, Does the American Dream still exist? as presented by Krugman, King and Roemer
2) What is the strongest argument and why?
3)What is your personal response/thought to the argument

Post your response as a COMMENT